A resolution looking to incorporate evacuation chairs for the disabled into Brotman Hall was passed in its first reading on March 16.
An evacuation chair is a more lightweight variation of a wheelchair used to vacate a physically disabled person from a dangerous location when there is a hazard, such as a fire or an earthquake. The new ASI resolution is meant to place such chairs on campus in Brotman Hall, near the Disabled Students Services area.
The chairs would be accessible to all disabled members of the campus community, including faculty and staff as well as students.
Although the resolution as written is specified toward Brotman Hall, plans for future expansion to include other areas on campus were discussed, given adequate funding. Enough money to accommodate Brotman Hall has been acquired.
“We already have the funding,” Senator Mark Rizk, author of the resolution, said. “All we need is the support.”
Rizk is not sure how the evacuation chairs will be funded at this point and said clarification will be presented on the resolution’s second reading today.
“I think its [funding for the evacuation chairs] directed more or less toward the president F. King Alexander, the school itself, Disabled Student Services and the Physical Planning and Facilities Manager David Salazar,” Rizk said. “The language of the resolution seems to be indicating that it’s the governing authorities that have the power to finance such things.”
The resolution will have it second reading at the ASI Senate meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in the USU Senate Chambers room 234.
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