
CSULB Psych Day provides career therapy

The 38th annual Psych Day will be on Wednesday at the Psych Quad and Beach Auditorium, offering valuable academic and professional resources. The event also gives students the chance to socialize and network with representatives from other universites’ psychology departments.

The Cal State Long Beach Psychology Students Association and Psi Chi Honor Society have been planning Psych Day since last semester. Many activities will be offered, such as a “Make Your Own Ink Blot” booth Psi Chi President Jason Ziccardi said.

“Ink blots were used for therapy and assessment purposes at one time and still are on a limited basis,” Ziccardi said. “They’re fun to make.”

An internship fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will presentstudents with the opportunity to network with representatives from the University of Southern California, Pepperdine University, the Boys and Girls Club, the Justice Corp and others.

“We have over 20 graduate schools, volunteer organizations and internship providers coming,” Ziccardi said. “We include all three because different students have different paths in mind.”

The Career Development Center will host two workshops from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Psy-332 on “How to Find an Internship” and “Online Job Search Tools and Social Networking Tips.”

“Both of these topics would be useful for any major,” Ziccardi said. “Not just psychology majors look for internships or use the internet for job search purposes.”

Students’ research posters will also be entered in a Research Poster Competition. Each poster will show students’ research from this semester and current research being done in the field.

University of California, Los Angeles communication and psychology professor Neil Malamuth will discuss “The Psychological Effects of Pornography” from 4-5 p.m. at the Beach Auditorium.

The event will also feature a potluck for a suggested $3-5 donation.

“New students probably benefit the most [from the event]” Ziccardi said. He said this is a chance for them to see how involved the psychology department really is.


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