
Parking tickets flood Lot 6

More than 140 students received citations Sunday night after parking in Lot 6.

The $40 citations were given out after a barrier blocking the entrance to the lot, was moved by an unknown person.

According to University Police Captain Fernando Solorzano, the lot was reserved for Pow Wow parking.

Daniel Beck, a junior accounting major who usually parks in Lot 6, said that it was 7:30 p.m. Sunday when he noticed there was a barrier at the entrance that had been moved to the side.
Beck went to park in the lot but was told by a parking officer that he could not park there.

After parking somewhere else, Beck said he went back to confront the officer because he noticed that they almost every car in the lot had been ticketed.

“I told them that they should put a sign up and someone to operate that post to
prevent students from parking there,” Beck said.

A parking lot sign indicates that students are allowed to park in the lot on Sundays after 6 p.m. University Police Captain Fernando Solorzano said it was blocked with barricades and signs were posted informing visitors and students of the closure.

“We know the barricades were moved and unauthorized people were entering the parking lot,” Solorzano said. “Citations were issued to those vehicles that had entered the parking lot while it was closed and reserved for the Pow Wow event.”

Solorzano added that even if the barriers were moved, there were still signs that indicated the lot was reserved for event staff members.

He said that those who received tickets could always contest them. People have 21 days from when they received the citation to appeal it.

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