Every fall we anticipate school starting, turkey dinners for the holidays, Black Friday and TV shows.
During this time of year, most people who work in television call this the Pilot Season. There are three television shows that seem to be getting a lot of buzz this Pilot season: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Masters of Sex and The Originals. Plus, we can’t ignore the anticipated arrival of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has been left in the hands of a geek icon, Joss Whedon. Whedon is known for his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog, and The Avengers. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D follows the lives of Agent Phil Coulson and the other Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (introduced in previous Marvel superhero movies) and how they do the clean up and investigation on bizarre and unexplainable things that aren’t human. It is a television show that is not just about the super hero’s with the super powers, but the people behind the scenes.
The show is set to start Sept. 24 on ABC.
Masters of Sex is a new show on Showtime about the pioneering of human sexuality. Masters of Sex is about real-life researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson. Masters and Johnson were two people who were way ahead of their time. During the 1950’s, people didn’t talk openly about sex in any way. However, this duo opened the door to the sexual revolution. According to Showtime.com, Masters and Johnson went from a teaching hospital to the cover of Time magazine and multiple appearances on Johnny Carson’s couch. Masters of Sex shows the lives of Masters and Johnson, romance and their unlikely quick jump to pop culture. The show starts on Sept. 29 on Showtime.
Now, for those people who are into Twilight and Vampire Diaries, there’s a new show coming out entitled, The Originals. The Originals is a spin-off show of The Vampire Diaries about the original vampires. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah are the original vampires and they’re heading back to where it all began: New Orleans. The Originals are a one-thousand year-old family that has been torn apart through time, tragedy and thirst for power. If you are looking to get your vampire and werewolf thirst in, then The Originals may be the best show for you. The Originals is set to air Oct. 3 on The CW.
And last but not least, Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary. The sci-fi, geek world and whoever is considered a Whovian—Doctor Who fan—has been waiting for this episode since it was leaked that it was just in talks. Doctor Who is a TV show that has been airing since 1963-1989, taking a long hiatus soon after. It came back in 2005 and has been airing currently on BBC.
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), the 10th Doctor (David Tennant), Clara (Jenna Coleman), and the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) are all coming together for one episode for the 50th Anniversary. Piper and Tennant have not been in the Doctor Who series since their goodbyes in 2010, so most Whovians are excited to see them both reprise their roles as the Doctor and Rose Tyler.
To make sure that there are no Internet leaks of the 50th anniversary episode, Steven Moffat, one of the creators and writers of Doctor Who, has planned to air the episode at the same time around the world. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special will air on Nov. 23 on BBC America.