After the shipwreck of Carnival Cruise’s Costa Concordia off the coast of Giglio Island on Jan. 13, the wreck has traveled to land.
Only 16 of the 32 missing bodies have been found and nine identified. There were about 1,000 passengers.
However, an undulation of problems have been resurfacing.
Lawyer Giulia Bongiorno is heading up a class-action lawsuit against both Schettino and Costa, but the investigators must first find out if both the captain and company share the responsibility.
Carnival Cruise, on the other hand, dug itself into a deeper ditch with a public relations stunt that is sure to stunt its growth. The survivors were initially being compensated with a full refund, and, wait for it, a 30 percent discount to those customers for a future trip.
Do they expect these passengers to just forget it all happened? I’m sure only money will buy them love, and even that isn’t enough for loyalty with the company.
So here is the new proposal as of today. The Italian Association of Tour Operators said that each cruise victim is to receive $14,400 for lost baggage and psychological trauma.