Arts & LifeEvents

Beach Pride’s Plant a Plant event is back!

People sit crafting around a table with a tie-dyed cloth on top.
Attendees soak in sun rays as they decorate their plants.

Warm sun rays and bright smiles filled the front of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center at the Associated Students Inc. Plant a Plant event Tuesday afternoon. In honor of Earth Day, ASI is hosting “Earth Week at the Beach,” which will be full of eco-friendly, and sustainable events and activities.

“Its Earth week, so we’re trying to be sustainable,” said Javier Gonzales, a Beach Pride Events member. This is usually a SWRC event, but today we wanted to collaborate and make it a little bigger. This is one of the biggest turnouts we’ve had for Plant a Plant, and students seem to be loving it.”

At Plant a Plant, students received a recycled two liter bottle to use as a plant pot, along with soil, rocks and seeds, all complimentary of campus green organizations such as Beach Balance, Sustain U, Grow Beach and Beach Pride. Upon checking in, attendees received snacks, a notebook made out of recycled materials and a bookmark that turns into a plant, once planted.

“This is the third time hosting this event. It’s our initiative to team up with the sustainable project on campus, Sustain U,” said Chris Torres, a SWRC employee. Every semester we see it growing which is very cool. Students enjoy that they can take a plant home, and it’s something living in their apartment.”

The large assortment of seeds like basil, lettuce, rosemary, sage, cilantro, thyme and others made it hard to choose. Art materials including fabric, string, paint and duct tape of all colors and patterns were provided, so students could decorate their new plant.

Attendees gathered on both sides of the U-shaped table set up, making the event all the more social and open. The tye dye table covers were soon covered in acrylic paint as students passed around supplies and diligently decked out their recycled plant holders. Some channeled their inner Picasso, and painted their DIY pots.

Other students just stuck to the American flag, tribal and cheetah print duct tape while the more creative students played around with fabric and string. There was also a tutorial on how to create a plant hanger out of yarn for those who are more into aesthetics.

Earth Week at the Beach will conclude Friday.

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