
ASI introduces steps to go green

Associated Students Inc. President Erin Swetland informed ASI senators at Wednesday’s meeting of plans to end the printing and distribution of class rosters for future semesters.

Swetland told the senate that the elimination of paper copies of class rosters is in the efforts of “going green” and was brought up at the Executive Committee of Academic Senate on Tuesday.

Class rosters are printed and given to every faculty member, but the problem is that the rosters change by the time classes begin, Swetland said.

Changes are being made so faculty can access updated rosters through MyCSULB.

Swetland also commented on a new resolution, which calls for ASI support of the California State Senate Bill 386. The bill would require faculty members to submit a cost-benefit analysis if they plan to change to the new ediiton of a textbook within three years of adopting and earlier edition.

Swetland said she “strongly supports” the resolution.

Kimberlyn Luong, Government Elections Officer, reminded senators to spread the word about student online voting during next week’s ASI Elections on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Executive candidate debates are being held on the Southwest Terrace Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Senators voted unanimously to support the resolution on the first and second of three readings. Because textbooks become available at a lower cost the longer they are in use, ASI hopes that the resolution, as well as the state senate bill, will eventually lessen textbook prices for students, said ASI Vice President Christopher Chavez.

ASI also discussed a resolution to congratulate the Cal Sate Long Beach Spirit Program. Senators approved all first through third readings recognizing the win CSULB cheer, dance and mascot teams accomplished at the USA National League Nationals cheer competition.

ASI will congratulate the spirit program with a framed copy of the approved resolution.



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  1. To “Your Name” from the Daily Forty-Niner,
    It is ASI that would be implementing these changes for faculty that they may potentially have to follow if the referendum passes. Faculty are given the class rosters by the school, they do not print it themselves. Check in the coming weeks for more on the resolution and other campus news. We thank you for your comments, and if you have any further questions feel free to call the newsroom at (562)985-8000.

    Joanne Tucker
    News Editor

  2. wait, i’m confused. was it asi or the faculty that are taking the steps to go green. the title seems a little misleading

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