
Crime Blotter

Vandalized vehicles result from parking stress

After a possible fight over a parking spot, an obscene word was keyed into the gray paint of a 2010 Hyundai in Lot 14-B in the afternoon on Aug. 29.

A custodial employee’s 2003 Toyota Corolla was vandalized when parked in Lot 3 on Aug. 29. An unknown suspect keyed the passenger side of the car and left the front windshield chipped.

In possible attempts to disguise a stolen license plate, a California DMV Registration Sticker was stolen from a student’s Blue Honda Civic parked in Parking Structure 1 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

An unknown suspect attempted to steal two separate Red Toyota Celica’s in Parking Structure 1 on Level 3 at 7 p.m. and Parking Structure 2 two hours later on Aug. 31. The locks on both cars were punched in to try to open the doors, but both attempts were unsuccessful.

One car was also left with a cut battery cable after a failed attempt to hotwire the car.

Bikes, wallets, laptops reported stolen on campus

On Aug. 30, a student reported his bicycle stolen from the bike racks in Lot 5. The student was in class when his white Trek 7.1 hybrid bike was taken. The bike was locked using a cable lock.

A student had her wallet stolen from her backpack on Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. after leaving it in the backpack check in area in front of the Bookstore. The student reported that when she went to retrieve her backpack, her wallet was gone. It is still under investigation.

A student reported her laptop stolen from a newspaper stand in front of the University Library on the evening of Sept. 1. She left her laptop on the stand and when she returned it was gone. The value of the loss is unknown.

Student caught with marijuana on off-campus dorms

On Sept. 3, two resident assistants contacted the University Police about five individuals smoking in the Residential Learning College. Police cited one of the 18-19 year old men for possession.

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