
Editor’s Note

From winning multiple national awards to constantly uplifting student voices, the 2023-24 Daily Forty-Niner staff has achieved great success. Photo credit: Olivia Peay

Congratulations Long Beach State students, we have successfully made it through another year! Surprised? Me too.

Like many Class of 2024 graduates, I am excited to walk across the stage for the first time ever and embark on a new journey. Many of us began our college careers through a computer screen during a global pandemic, but I am grateful to have the opportunity to end my college career in person with my friends, family, mentors and peers around me.

Class of 2024 graduates, you should all be so proud of yourselves for overcoming the many obstacles we have faced these past four years and still deciding to prioritize education. We are lucky to have the opportunity to pursue an education and this is not something we should take for granted.

I’ve had the most unexpected journey here at CSULB and I’m feeling pretty conflicted about this adventure coming to an end.

On one hand, I am looking forward to graduation and the opportunities that will come my way when I finally have free time again. Maybe even a healthy work-life balance?

On the other hand, my journey at CSULB ending means that I am leaving behind a publication that I have fallen in love with and a team that I adore even more.

I have been very lucky to lead this team for the past two years. I am so proud of how far we have come and I can’t wait to see the growth this publication will experience in the future.

This has been a hectic year for CSULB and I am grateful to my team for always aiming for greatness. Reporting on protest after protest, new developments on campus, athletics hirings and firings and much more, this team has exceeded all of my expectations.

Not only have they exceeded my expectations in coverage, but this team has reminded me of the beauty in journalism and humanity in general.

After the 2022-23 academic year, I questioned my love for this industry. This team reminded me of what journalism should be, and that is a gift that I will never be able to repay.

To my team: I love you all and I can’t wait to see where your path takes you.

As this year comes to an end, I hope all CSULB students feel proud of the work that they have accomplished this year. Returning students, good luck next year and I wish you all the utmost success.

Congratulations Class of 2024 and best of luck on your upcoming journeys. Go Beach!

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