
LGBT event showcases diversity

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center hosted an author and film screening sponsored by Queer Ink on Tuesday as part of Diversity Week in the University Student Union ballrooms.

A crowd of more than 50 people gathered to listen to author and professor emeritus of English Clifton Snider, who read from his book of poetry “Loud Whisper.” The poem was about Lance Loud, a gay columnist and musician who died in 2001, explores the life and death of the gay activist. The book has been optioned for a film and is currently undergoing the transition to screenplay.

“I’m reading poetry that represents the LGBT community,” Snider said. “Some poems demonstrate against Prop 8, but all cover the LGBT.”

Edward Singletary Jr., producer of Loud Whisper and co-creator of Iconoclassic Features film company, shared his views on the film side of the event.

“This was the story I was looking for,” Singletary said of Loud Whisper. “When we started talking, I lit up. There’s a really good movie in here, so now we’re adapting it to a screenplay.”

According Matt Cabrera, Coordinator of the LGBT Resource Center, the purpose of the event and week is to highlight diversity at Cal State Long Beach.

“[Diversity Week] is for the whole campus community,” Cabrera said. “It’s also for the people in the LGBT community who aren’t aware of all the different identities.”

Diversity Week also helps to spread awareness about campus resources, he said.
“Students should know that there is a LGBT group on campus, LGBT resources and organizations,” Cabrera said.

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