
CSULB students talk about their favorite shortcuts

Graphic by Alejandro Vazquez / Daily Forty-Niner.

Photos and reporting by Mercedes Cannon

Questions- “What shortcuts do you take to class?” “How much time does it save you?”

Name: Jennifer Fritz

Major: International Business

Answer: “My classes are in the business building, so I take the large curve by Brotman Hall instead of going through.”

“It saves me about 45 seconds to two minutes.” 


Name: Claire Ramirez

Major: Film and Electronic Arts

Answer: “OK, the big [shortcut] is right over by the awkward pool [that] the convenience store is right next to. I go through there and through the lounge center to the other side of the hallway to avoid the traffic.”

“It probably saves me like 20 seconds. I walk really fast though.”


Name: Kevin Lai 

Major: Accounting 

Answer: “Well I am a business major, so I am all in the same building, but if I do need to take a shortcut to get to like upper-campus I cut through the USU so I don’t have to go up the ramp.”

“Honestly it probably saves me like 10 or 15 minutes. Walking up everything takes a little while and there is always traffic.”


Name: Alonzo Urita

Major: Communications

Answer: “I come up from the lower-campus, so I try to avoid all the people and the traffic by taking the back stairs and elevator that put me out by the hall of sciences. I also take a shortcut around the theater building.”

“It probably saves me about five minutes.”

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