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A behind the scenes look at the 2019 Contemporary Dance Concert

Ami Tsutani, fourth year dance major, performs at the edge of the stage in group piece “This I believe.” The piece was choreographed by Catalina Eddy, fourth year dance major. The majority of the piece is done sitting on the edge of the stage, influenced by Eddy’s foot injury last semester that left her in a boot for several months.

The CSULB Dance Department hosted the 2019 Contemporary Dance Concert from Feb. 14 to Feb. 16. The concert showcased nine works composed by 16 undergraduate dance students.

In the days leading up to opening curtain, The Daily 49er shadowed the student dancers and choreographers responsible for creating and performing the pieces showcased in the Contemporary Dance Concert.

Paula Kiley
Paula Kiley has worked at the Daily 49er since fall 2018. Starting as a staff writer and multimedia assistant, she has made contributions to the publication across mediums such as photo, video and print stories. She now oversees and produces multimedia content as Multimedia Managing Editor. She placed first for best arts or entertainment news story in the 2018 National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Awards. Paula studies Journalism and Environmental Science and Policy at Long Beach State and plans to cover stories related to environmental policy and justice.

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