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Students spill the tea on how they’re feeling about a virtual semester

A photo of Cheyenne Reinig and her dog

Cheyenne Reinig

Fourth-year, biological anthropology major

“Personally, I am glad we are all online. Not only for everyone’s safety, but I believe it is more flexible to do school online. I work and volunteer, and being online allows me to do those things more often. I have taken online classes since high school, and I have always enjoyed them!”


A photo of Parvathi Devi

Parvathi Devi

Third-year, film major

“Remote learning seems to be the only completely safe way to attend school this semester—that being said, it does not work equally well for every focus of education. Being an art major myself, it is daunting to think about attempting to learn a craft that is heavily dependent on in-person teamwork and visual learning of skills. While I know my professors will be more than dedicated to teaching me in the best way possible through online classes, I still feel that my education will be lacking the hands-on experience I need, as opposed to those with mainly lecture-based classes.”



A photo of Timothy Nguyen

Timothy Nguyen

Third-year, mathematical economics and economic theory option double major

“It will be a struggle to set time aside and stay isolated in my room while my professors lecture in their little square space on Zoom. I will miss seeing my friends in person while we’re all stressed and cramming for our exams. However, we’ve already had a taste of what online schooling is like with the latter half of last semester, so I feel a little bit more confident in my abilities.”



A photo of Fiona Hang and her dog

Fiona Hang

Second-year, criminal justice major

“I’m a bit nervous about going online this semester because I do struggle with the whole online learning experience—with making deadlines, and also all of the distractions at home. I know a lot of students (including myself) have elderly family members and immunocompromised friends we need to protect. While I am nervous about school being online, I am hopeful that it’ll get better and that our university will use this semester to plan so that we can all return to campus safely.”


A photo of Dan Dao wearing a hat

Dan Dao

Second-year, mechanical engineering major and entrepreneurship minor

What I believe the incoming fall semester will feel like is that it’s a breeze you get from behind a fast food restaurant’s dumpster. A continuous, smooth, but slightly unpleasant experience. I feel like I will have a strong start and possibly crash after three weeks. Overall, I am confident I will make do with whatever happens. I kinda have to.”


A photo of Garbiella Labrador


Gabrielle Labrador

Fourth-year, philosophy major and political science minor

As someone who forges relationships with people through face-to-face communication, I try to attend each of my professor’s office hours to receive supplemental insight into readings and lectures as well as connecting with a network of people who are in a position to point me to people and career opportunities in my field of study. It is my hope that CSULB will continue to make decisions that prioritize student welfare and accessible alternatives before recklessly attempting to create a false sense of safety and normalcy.”




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