
Reject ‘Hanoi Jane’ speaking visit to The Beach

I want to express my strong opposition regarding the scheduled presence of Jane Fonda on the campus of CSULB Saturday, Sept. 29, let alone to be a “guest” of the school and alumni.

Her appearance will be a slap in the face to all the men and women who have bravely served our country, current students, and all our alumni who serve our great nation. When we forget our past we are destined to repeat it.

These words have rung true since the beginning of time. We should never forget the atrocities of Adolf Hitler, nor those that occurred under the rule of Joseph Stalin, so how can we so easily forget Jane Fonda’s actions during the Vietnam War.

In case anyone has forgotten, let me summarize her atrocities. During a 1972 trip to North Vietnam Jane Fonda propagandized on behalf of the North Vietnam government. She posed on an anti-aircraft gun emplacement. She declared that American POW’s were being treated humanely and condemned our U.S. Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines as “war criminals.”

She also later denounced our service men and women as “liars” for their claims that they had been tortured. These facts are undeniable. So knowing these facts, my question to the alumni board and school is this, why would you invite such an offensive person on our prestigious campus so many in uniform, past and present have called their home?

I implore you to cancel her appearance out of respect for all service persons, especially those that gave their life so we may all live in freedom. This so-called “incomparable icon” is in my opinion a coward and in no way deserve any respect or prestige just because she is an actress with notoriety.

Let’s honor the unsung heroes of this great nation, especially those that are alumni of CSULB and cancel Jane Fonda’s appearance.

– Mark S. Jennings,B.S. criminal justice, 1992

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