
Online classes are necessary during this pandemic and I’m learning how to adjust

In early September, students received an email from Long Beach State’s president stating that the spring 2021 semester will be held virtually.  While this is a necessary step to ensure the safety of everyone, I can’t help but dream of what in-person classes would have been at CSULB.


I am a community college transfer student from Mt. San Antonio College, where I graduated in spring 2020. I did not have a normal graduation ceremony, given that school had already transitioned online for everyone in the California Community College system, as well as the California State University system. 


This is my first semester at Long Beach State and I’ve only visited campus once. Prior to this unprecedented year, I had never taken an online class. The transition has been tough from the start. 


It is extremely difficult to concentrate on school while at home now that my bedroom is now my classroom as well. Mentally, I am exhausted. My mental health has declined rapidly in these few months and it has reflected in my academic performance. 


While I was once what many call a “good student,” I am now falling behind because I cannot find the motivation to open my laptop and work. 


When I do find the motivation to work, it is extremely difficult to not get distracted, since I am at home with my mom and brother. We all are doing our own thing at the same time, whether it be school or chores, and it makes the house extremely loud.


Despite these challenges, I would rather stay home than attend in-person classes. Until the pandemic is under control, I am willing to make this sacrifice in my education. 


I have set up goals to better prepare for another semester of virtual instruction—setting daily tasks for school work helps hold me accountable. I use a planner to schedule everything I have to do weekly and a white board to jot down general reminders. 


Doing something small for myself, such as running in the mornings or meditating, helps me stay energized throughout the day. All these things help me keep myself driven while attending school virtually. 


Of course I yearn to get the true college experience that you can only get in person, but I would rather keep everyone and myself safe by following the safety guidelines. Until then, Zoom University it is.

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