Letters to the EditorOpinions

Letter to the editor-International student thanks CSULB

Dear CSULB’ers,

I am an exchange student from Hong Kong who is leaving in a week. I would like to express my feelings through this article about staying in Long Beach for four months.

I really appreciate what people have done for me. Most of them treated me very good. They understood I didn’t speak perfect English. They would slow down and use simple words in the conversation. My best friend in Long Beach was my suitemate. Whenever I had a presentation, he would practice with me for the whole night.

There were some people who treated me not very nice too. Even though I was upset about what they said to me, I think they also have taught me a lot. They let me know I had to improve myself. I think one of the main reasons they were mean to me was because of my accent, so I spent a lot of effort to improve my English.

After a semester, I think I learned a lot more than I expected. Except for my English ability, I learned to respect other cultures. Americans are more open and direct than Chinese.

People talk to each other even though they don’t know each other. The first time I took the school shuttle, the bus driver talked to me. I felt so shocked because I didn’t expect a stranger would talk to me. I was learning everyday through interaction with people. I think the key of adapting to a new environment is to respect the difference of others.

Thank you for everything. I will not forget the time spent in America.

-Hei-Cheong “Philip” WU,

International House — Cal State Long Beach

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  1. I think it it ridiculous to be mean to a person because he/she has an accent. It is sad and it shows how narrow-minded some people are.

  2. Ps- please forgive the typographical errors. I was so irritated by the rudeness of some, I failed to check my prior posting.

  3. “Philip”,
    On behalf of the people you met and spent time with who were true ambassadors, we extend a hand of friendship. For those persons who failed to recognize an chance to make a new friend, shame on them; for they missed a once in a lifetime opportuity to meet you while you were here and to be a new friend to you. My family has hosted more than twenty exchange students from all over the world; both male and female; and ranging in age from 14 to 24 years of age. We can honestly say we enjoyed each and everyone of the students we met and hosted. With the use of the internet, we remain in contact with many of the students to this day. Our lives have been enhanced with the hosting of these young students. It has made a tremendous impact on our sons lives, as they now know they can travel anywhere in the world and also make new friends. Continue to practice your English skills and know that one person can always make a difference in the life of another person. May God richly bless you!

  4. I am not from CSULB but I read this article. I am glad you enjoyed your time in California. I’m sorry some people were rude. Maybe they will visit a foreign country some day where they don’t know the language and then they will realize the challenge.

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