Report needed more “No” quotes
I am writing to compliment you on most of your coverage of the Beach Legacy Referendum this past week or so. This was and will continue to be an important issue for the campus to decide.
Particularly essential were the questions your reporting raised about the conduct of the online election. Let’s hope that Cal State Long Beach can run a better election than Palm Beach County, Florida!
I was, therefore, somewhat disappointed to read the page one story in Monday’s paper. I thought it was uncharacteristically biased, since there were no perspectives offered in the story from the “No on BLR” side.
This seemed strange, since students actively working on the “No” side, e.g., the Advocates of CSULB, were interviewed for previous stories. Perhaps it was an oversight due to deadline pressure.
In any event, I hope the Daily Forty-Niner will continue reporting on the issue of Beach Legacy fees and President [F. King] Alexander’s decision whether to accept the outcome of the referendum.
-Elizabeth McEneaney
associate professor Deparment of Sociology
Forty-Niner provided balance
I just wanted to thank you on the great job you and your staff did with regards to covering the Beach Legacy Referendum. Your team gave balanced coverage to both sides, while at the same time giving very well-reasoned arguments for the Daily Forty-Niner‘s ultimate position on the referendum.
More importantly, I appreciate the fact that you gave the student body a real voice in the matter. I hope you continue to cover this event as it escalates to President [F. King] Alexander and the Student Fee Advisory Committee.
I am not sure what will transpire, but I hope that during this time the Daily Forty-Niner will have the ability to expose all the details of the processes at work — including why they are taking place — and therefore hold accountable our president and student government. Thank you again for the remarkable job.
-Enrique Robles,
political science graduate student