April 24, 12:07 p.m.
President Jane Close Conoley said she’s hopeful Long Beach State will return to face-to-face instruction in the fall but is being cautious in confirming any plans.
“Our decisions about the fall are on the virus clock as interpreted to us by our medical experts,” Conoley said.
“I’m putting off a final decision so that we’ll have the best health guidance closest to our opening,” she added. “Obviously, putting off the decision is problematic, but deciding too soon is also problematic.”
Jeff Cook, chief communications officer, had said via Twitter on Tuesday that the university was planning on returning to traditional instruction methods, but maintained that they would operate under official’s guidance.
“While COVID-19 is still a reality, I think we all anticipate new safety protocols to be in place on campus for the foreseeable future,” Cook said.
Conoley said in a campus-wide email Friday that she and the rest of the administration are working on plans for returning to campus safely.
“We must create ways to do our work in smaller gatherings, limit social activities and continue to offer remote learning models where these guidelines cannot be met. Such efforts may be necessary throughout the fall semester and beyond,” she said.
As Conoley had mentioned in her live stream interview with the Daily Forty-Niner, coronavirus will leave a lasting impression on the campus’ identity.
“We will certainly be teaching our students, but I don’t think we’ll have a ‘one size fits all,’” Conoley said. “It will be up to public health to tell us what’s safe.”
Los Angeles County health officials said groups no larger than 30 would be acceptable in a school setting, but cautioned the guidelines could change before the semester begins.
“Our north star in this matter has been and will continue to be campus health and safety,” Conoley said.
Hybridization of the campus, smaller class sizes and continuing with remote delivery are all options Conoley said the university is considering moving forward.
“While I very much understand everyone wants a definitive answer, it would be irresponsible to commit to a path that would have to be changed based on medical advice,” Conoley said.
April 21, 4:45 p.m.
Long Beach State will be returning to face-to-face instruction this fall, Jeff Cook, chief communications officer, said Tuesday.
“We are planning to offer on-campus, in-person classes this fall here at CSULB,” Cook tweeted. “However, we are tracking public-health guidance and forecasts related to COVID-19.”
Cook said if there was a need for changes to be made to this plan, the university would do so according to guidance from officials.
[…] CSULB to return to traditional instruction in the fall […]