
CSULB facilities installs security cameras in Palo Verde parking structure

MSX parking structure security cameras are being installed in the South Palo Verde Parking structure from Jan. 24 to April 22. Ryan Guitare/Daily Forty-Niner

Facilities management workers began installing security cameras in the the Palo Verde South Parking Structure Monday morning.

Mark Zakhour, Director of Design and Construction Services, said that his department worked with the University Police Department to help bolster efforts to increase safety on campus.

“This project will continue to expand our security camera coverage and capabilities in our parking areas on campus,” Zakhour said.  “We have just commenced the construction phase for this project late last week with a contractor.”

Capt. John Brockie of the UPD said that the project has been underway since he came on staff in August 2019.

“This project was already in progress when I started at LB State in August 2019,” Brockie said.

Brockie said that there were already four cameras in place and workers installed another 33, bringing the total to 37.

“This project, [is focused on] increasing security and safety in our parking structures for students, faculty and staff,” Zakhour said.

The installment by the Student Recreation and Wellness Center is just the first part of the project, according to Zakhour.

“This project will achieve security camera coverage at all entrances and exits (both vehicular and pedestrian) for all three of the campus parking structures,” Zahour said.  “We will also have coverage at the first-floor elevator lobbies at all parking structures.”

Discussions surrounding this became more concrete following the alleged rape that occurred on Cal State Fullerton’s campus on Sept. 10, as reported by the Daily 49er.

Completion is projected for May 2020, Zakhour said.

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