
Sofia Musman takes the leap to presidency

Sophia Musman, who is the current vice president of ASI, is one of two candidates fighting for the position of ASI’s new president 3/7.

Sofia Musman has been through all things student government. As a college of the arts senator, she listened to complaints from the campus community over the boycott, divestment sanction resolution that was proposed and passed last spring. As student body vice president, she oversaw a mixed group of senators debating a football exploratory commission. All that’s left for her is to take the presidential role.

Moving from Brazil to California and finding a home in Long Beach has posed challenges for junior Sofia Musman. Such a transitional experience has allowed her to advocate for diversity and acceptance among peers.

“I knew that I wanted to come to a state that was more welcoming of people from different countries,” Musman said. “I’ve seen so much more diversity than the city I grew up in, here I see so many different communities.”

Musman has made her mark all over campus, including her involvement in women’s fraternity Zeta Tau Alpha, Beach Hillel and the Associated Students Inc. senate.

“The more you are involved in different departments and groups on campus, the better it is to understand the different perspectives of students and how you can better serve everyone,” Musman said.

Junior Megan Mckane has been Musman’s “big” in the women’s fraternity and noted her social skills as a positive perk for a student body president.

“Sofia is definitely the person to go to when you need advice,” McKane said. “In the end, she wants the best for everyone, so she’ll always listen and try to guide you in the best direction.”

Musman’s involvement as a student representative has benefited her ability to reach out to different students on campus and hear their concerns.

“The best way to get your name out there on campus is talk to the people and hear what they have to say,” Musman said. “At the end of the day you are representing the student body and there’s no [better]way to represent them than to be there and hear what they want you to do for them.”

Senator At-Large Stephanie Argent, who is campaigning as vice president with Musman, said she admires her leadership as current vice president.

“The entire year she has been open to hearing each senator’s ideas and has consistently been collaborating and supporting them in any way she could,” Argent said. “ While at the same time [she] has maintained a firm hand so that we always stay focused and on track.

When making decisions as a leader, Musman said she follows the values her parents taught her.

“My parents always taught me to trust my heart,” Musman said. “Always make decisions that will help others in the long run.”

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