
Eligible Students to be Guaranteed CSU Admission

As part of the 2017-18 budget deal, the California State University system is moving toward granting guaranteed admission to qualified in-state students.

Qualified applicants are those who meet its admission requirements of a 3.0 GPA and a completion of “A-G” course requirements.

The guarantee is a way to give eligible applicants the chance to get into the CSU system. Students are often turned down after applying to impacted universities.

Impacted universities in all majors include: Fresno State, Fullerton State, Long Beach State, San Diego State, San Jose State and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

Elizabeth Chapin, CSU spokesperson, says many systemwide campuses have been known to place a higher preference on eligible candidates from nearby areas.

“CSU campuses have a long history of serving students in their local vicinities,” Chapin said. “If a campus is impacted it may provide some sort of priority to local students who meet admissions requirements.”

This move, dubbed the CSU Guarantee, mirrors that of the University of California system which offers an assured spot at one of the campuses to qualified applicants. A UC-eligible individual is typically finishes in the top 9 percent of his or her graduating high school class.

This guarantee is part of Governor Jerry Brown’s approved $125 billion general state budget. The system is currently evaluating the budgets and determining how to implement its plan, according to Chapin.

Since the CSU guarantee is still in its developmental stages, how this move would affect the budget is still undetermined.

“It’s hard to tell at this time because we do not currently have any estimate as to how many students who would be redirected will end up enrolling at a CSU campus,” Chapin said.

The CSU system has until May 2018 to find out how to implement its guarantee policy.

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