
Cat feeder files restraining order

Two Long Beach residents are in an ongoing case regarding a restraining order from feral cat feeding stations and parking lots at Cal State Long Beach.

Leslie Abrahams, a member of the CSULB feral cat program, and Scott Miller, a local resident, frequently visited the campus — often at the same time. 

According to court documents, tension rose between the two in the summer of 2008. According to Abrahams, Miller would allow his dogs to chase her cats at her house and the feral cats at CSULB. Miller denied that his dogs disturbed the cats.

The court issued a restraining order against Miller in April 2010, which required Miller to stay at least 100 yards away from Abrahams, her husband, home, car and workplace, and to stay 100 yards away from the feral cat feeding stations and parking lots 14A, B and C at CSULB. However, it was recently modified to remove the restrictions regarding CSULB.

This is the most recent appeal in a series of reports and restraining orders regarding the matter over the past few years. Both parties felt threatened by each other and provided very different accounts of the events that occurred on and off campus.

The trial court agreed that the restraints were “too broad,” since Abrahams was requesting that Miller be forbidden from areas in CSULB even when she was not present. The feeding stations on campus are hidden and could be moved at any time, making it difficult to view them. This could potentially lead Miller to unknowingly violate the restraining order. 

Miller has been living in Long Beach for years. He frequently rides bicycles with his children and dog onto and around the campus. His dog’s leash extends to six feet.

Abrahams has been an adamant supporter of the feral cat feeding stations and was featured in local newspapers when the cats were in danger of being removed from campus in 2008. 

“I’ll chain myself to the kitties if I have to,” Abrahams said to the Press-Telegram when CSULB was considering the removal of the cats. “They’re not going to kill our kitties.”

Miller continues to fight the litigations against him. Abrahams’ representatives were unavailable to comment.

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