
VP of finance addresses budget concerns

Cal State Long Beach’s Vice President of Administration and Finance Mary Stephens addressed Associated Students Inc. senators Wednesday regarding possible budget cuts.

Stephens addressed the possible increase in annual tuition by as much as 32 percent, or $1,566, effective in fall 2011.

The 32 percent tuition hike is part of a budget contingency plan laid out in preparation for a possible $1 billion reduction in state support to the Cal State University system.

Stephens said fall admission is already finalized, but the number of spring applicants admitted by the CSU is still debatable.

“The current decision is to accept spring applications, but not to admit [any applicants] until we know what the budget is,” Stephens said.

Stephens discussed possible areas for budget savings. She said the university might use temporary mitigations to offset the cuts.

If there was a cut of $48 million to $64 million to the CSULB campus, temporary mitigations could help offset the cuts to reduce the impact to $15 million to $30 million.

Nevertheless, reductions to the CSULB campus would mean opening fewer buildings during the summer; reducing in-person services and window hours; using the Student Excellence Fund to shelter advising and other student services; and reducing tenure track hires for the 2012-13 school year.

Stephens encouraged students to speak to their legislators.

She will be holding additional presentations, open to all students, regarding the budget. The next presentation will be Wednesday at noon at the Anatol Center.

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