
CSULB encourages campus community to use Rideshare services

Rideshare Week runs until Friday, and Cal State Long Beach wants students and faculty members to take advantage of the Rideshare opportunities available to them.

The nationwide event is aimed at encouraging the public to use alternative forms of transportation in order to reduce gas emissions.

Popular with the CSULB community is the U-Pass program, which offers students with a CSULB ID free rides on the Long Beach Transit system. CSULB’s Rideshare website also recommends that students try other alternative means of transportation, such as walking, carpooling, Zimride and bicycling.

Zimride is an online social networking program that locates nearby people you can carpool with. To log in, students can use their Facebook account so they can see whom they will be carpooling with.

The university’s Rideshare website has information on bicycle routes, bus routes by Long Beach Transit as well as Orange County Transit Authority and LA County Metropolitan Transit Authority.

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