A student senator plans to present a petition against an “offensive” article by the Union Weekly.
Associated Students, Inc., Sen. Roxanna Gracia said that the article, “How to Get Laid: A Girls’ Guide for Guys,” promotes sexual violence. One part of the article says: “When you get to her place just get to the fucking no dilly dallying, you don’t want to give her time to really think about it. Don’t be afraid to be aggressive.”
Gracia raised objections to the article during an ASI meeting on Wednesday.
Gracia urged ASI to take action against the “offensive” article. However, ASI’s executive director, Richard Haller, said that although ASI funds the Union Weekly, they have no authority over editorial content.
Gracia said she is planning to write a resolution stating ASI’s disapproval of the article.
The editor-in-chief of the Union Weekly seems unfazed by the situation.
“I am more worried about an Australian box fish than I am about a resolution,” said Kevin O’Brien, editor-in-chief of the Union Weekly.
The Union Weekly has also received criticism from others. On Tuesday, students brought forth a petition to force O’Brien to resign as editor-in-chief.
“My biggest regret was not signing that petition,” O’Brien said.
Gracia said she hopes to present her resolution in the coming weeks.
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