
Projections, reports show more women in business positions

The number of women joining the workforce and taking preparations to lead businesses is on the rise.

A report from the U.S. Department of Labor Women’s Bureau listing hot jobs for the 21st century projected that from 2004 to 2014 the number of women in the work force will increase from 68.4 million to 75.9 million, a 10.9 percent increase. A second report from the bureau listing business statistics for 2005 stated 38 percent of employed women worked in management, professional and related occupations. It also said that, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, there were 5.4 million women-owned businesses in 1997.

“I think a lot of women think that’s more consistent with the lifestyle of having children than the corporate lifestyle,” she said.

According to Mary Wolfin-barger, associate dean for accreditation, women are increasingly obtaining graduate degrees in business and starting businesses. She said there are more women earning master’s of business administration and doctorate degrees and that women outnumber men at Cal State Long Beach by an approximate ratio of 64 to 36. She said that, while the gender ratio for the College of Business Administration is less skewed than that of the university as a whole, women still outnumber men.

Wolfinbarger said part of this trend might be incentives for women to succeed in business. She said there are some loans and grants that are easier for women than for men.

Wolfinbarger said while owning a business is not easier than working for a corporation, it could allow for some schedule flexibility that corporations might not provide.

“Twenty years ago [business] was a very male major. Now it’s not a [male-dominated] major at all,” Wolfinbarger said. “I actually kind of worry about my guys. The guys seem to graduate a little bit slower.”

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