
Construction causes computer traffic jams for on-campus computer users

Cal State Long Beach students use computers daily. From frantically writing term papers to researching new topics or simply relaxing and checking their MySpace, students can constantly be seen in front of a computer screen. But due to construction currently taking place at the campus library, computer access at school is limited.

Since the only large-scale computer lab is at the Horn Center, the growing need for computer access combined with the limited number of stations have created a small traffic jam during peak hours at the center.

“I see the largest amount of traffic during the morning hours. Sometimes there can be a 10 minute wait,” said Jimmy Vo, a first-year student assistant in the computer lab at the Horn Center.

The peak hours are during the morning before 10 a.m. and in the afternoon around 3 p.m. Most people are either finishing up work they have before their afternoon or evening classes, or checking their email.

“The Horn Center is busier due to the library being closed, but easier to manage this year,” said Nelson Chea, a 5th year student who worked in the computer lab last year.

The Horn Center staff were prepared for this increased demand on their computer lab. During the summer, they added more than 80 computers to the lab to compensate for the closing of the library. This brought the Horn Center’s total computer count to an impressive 273. The student staff are also very knowledgeable and are able to help students when problems arise, thus making people’s use of the computers quicker. Thus allows more people access to the lab.

One reason the Horn Center is easier to manage this fall is because of the new student check-in service. In the past, students had to check in manually by talking to a staff member of the Horn Center. An automated system is now in place that allows students to sign up for the types of computers they need.

“The new sign-in system is very simple to use. I just put in my I.D. number and password and my computer was ready. There was no wait,” said Robert Apodaca, a freshman film major.

During times when there is a wait, a TV screen displays who is next to get a computer, similar to the system used at the DMV.

The Horn Center’s expanded computer lab along with the new, automated check-in system make for a pain-free experience of computer access at The Beach.

“Some days the wait can be a bit longer, but it never really gets too bad,” said Sanjay Sreehari, a graduate student.

The Horn Center is located past the P.E. buildings, between the faculty parking and gym, and is free and open to all students.

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