The self-evident themes of movement, stagnation, and uncertainty are creatively brought to the fore in “Dreamers: Aqui y Alla.” Under the directorial supervision of Andrea Caban and Julie Granarat-Huicutt, our own CSULB actors and Dreamers make perpetual, determined crossings and recrossings of the sparsely designed set, conveying the purposeful trajectory of a people always in motion, yet never fully “arrived.”
“Dreamers” will move you: move you to think; move you to tears; move you to action as it plucks
a generation out of the shadows, out of the bureaucratic boxes marked “illegal,” and onto the stage of humanity.
“Dreamers” reminds us not only of the courage to dream, but the courage to endure. It highlights a complex past, and of the double consciousness of a Dreamer “homeland.”
K.T. Shaver