Do you ever find yourself watching perfect strangers doing stupid things and think, “Why can’t there be a law against that?” Well, ladies and gentlemen, today is your lucky day.
According to an April 15 article in The Orange County Register, there are hundreds of new laws on the state legislature list for 2007 that may alleviate some of the stupidity we see every day in our wonderful state.
Some of these new laws may seem ridiculous; some may seem absurd and downright petty. But in reality, these new laws are here to guide us, to protect us and to help us lead a healthier life. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Here are just a few examples of how California legislators are finally listening.
Global warming is a huge issue at hand, and California legislators are on top of it.
According to the article, Assemblyman Lloyd Levine’s Assembly Bill 722 would force people to switch from conventional light bulbs to fluorescent ones in order to conserve energy. We know nobody likes florescent bulbs, they are unflattering and cause headaches. But think of all the good you’re doing for our earth. A simple switch could make all the difference.
Not only are we an eco-friendly state, but Californians are known to be healthy individuals. We are known as those health nuts who do yoga and eat macro-biotic meals.
Well, to go along with our stereotype, there are at least five bills to regulate or ban trans fats in restaurants and schools. Finally, our state understands that obesity is not an issue to be taken lightly and that government action must be taken. It is a truly refreshing thing to read that Californians are leading the way in helping America get healthier. Not only do we want to ban trans fat, but according to the article, a new law also wants restaurants to inform customers about how many calories and milligrams of sodium each meal contains. That way, if you think the salad is the healthy route, but then find out the dressing has as many calories as the cheeseburger; you can make an educated decision on what you’re about to put in your body.
Speaking of health issues, don’t you hate it when you’re trying to enjoy a day at the park and there’s someone blowing smoke in your face? Well, California legislators hear you. According to the article, it is already against the law to smoke in front of children in a playground or tot-lot sandbox, and smokers must be at least 25 feet away.
Not only that, a new law may impose a $100 fine for smoking in a car with minors in it.
Speaking of vehicles, we have yet another law. This one is simply brilliant and so relevant to today’s adolescents: This new law would make it illegal for minors to talk on their cell phones or text message while driving. Thank God someone finally understands the danger involved in these seemingly innocuous activities.
In the end, it makes us happy to hear that our state is trying to help us become healthier, wiser and safer human beings. Let’s hope every one of these new laws passes, and let’s hope other states follow in our footsteps.