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BREAKING: Campuses to continue virtual instruction next semester, CSU announces

Andrea Ramos/ Daily Forty-Niner.

 All 23 California State University campuses will continue with mainly virtual instruction through the spring 2021 semester, Chancellor Timothy P. White announced Thursday.


“After extensive consultation with campus presidents and other stakeholders, and careful consideration of a multitude of factors – regarding the pandemic and its consequences, as well as other matters impacting the university and its operations – I am announcing that the CSU will continue with this primarily virtual instructional approach for the academic term that begins in January 2021, and also will continue with reduced populations in campus housing,” White said in the statement. “This decision is the only responsible one available to us at this time. And it is the only one that supports our twin North Stars of safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of our faculty, staff, students and communities, as well as enabling degree progression for the largest number of students.”​


The decision comes after months of deliberation and consideration, White said. Based on the current status of the virus, the final decision to remain virtual as the fall 2020 semester has been offered was not an easy, but necessary one.


“The disease continues to spread,” White said. “While the current mitigation factors do make a difference, in the absence of a vaccine and of sufficient, cost-effective, timely testing and contact-tracing infrastructure, we are not able to return to a normal, principally in-person schedule in January 2021.”


As with the fall semester, each campus will be given guidance to execute their plans according to their individual needs. 


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  1. […] campus-wide email Thursday that Long Beach State will remain virtual for the spring 2021 semester, in line with all California State University […]

  2. Bummer! What a waist of money.

  3. I’m currently a mother attempting distance learning with a 1st grader and a 3rd grader. I have been going to school part time since I graduated high school. Until now, I was finally able to transfer to a university. My first semester, covid hits. The FALL 2020 semester moves completely online. Today I find out that my last semester, spring 2021 will be online as well.. I have waited 10 years to graduate. I have imagined walking the stage in front of my children to show them that the hard work is worth it. This really sucks. No other way to put it.

  4. Will graduation ceremonies for spring 2021 be cancelled as well?

    1. According to President Conoley, a decision on commencement will be made Dec. 1.

  5. Well the chances of me registering for any classes just significantly dropped. This is utterly ridiculous.

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