
Barrett Athletic Center hosting open forums for university police chief hopefuls

An open forum for University Police Capt. Fernando Solorzano, a university chief of police candidate, was held Tuesday from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Barrett Athletic Administration.

Solorzano is the first of three candidates hoping to be chosen by a hiring committee to succeed University Chief of Police, Stan Skipworth.

Karen Kerr, assistant director of employment, introduced Solorzano with a joke about him overseeing parking enforcement on campus, creating a light and positive mood for the small crowd in attendance. Kerr is assisting the hiring committee in deciding what candidate will fill the position.

An in-house candidate for the job, Solorzano stressed the value of his familiarity with the campus, having served with the University Police for 21 years. He is the critical response unit commander for the CSU system, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Cal State Long Beach.

Solorzano spoke about CSULB having the lowest crime rate of all the CSU campuses.

“Having an influence on the environment here is paramount,” Solorzano said.

Solorzano emphasized the importance of stability, as the next university chief of police will be the third to hold the position since 2008.

If chosen, Solorzano said he plans to keep the position for about nine years and will devote all his attention to the job, giving the department much needed continuity from its leader.

When asked about challenges he would face should he get the position, Solorzano mentioned the importance of retaining officers and making intelligent financial decisions during this tough economic period.

According to Solorzano, it has been common for officers to leave CSULB for other law enforcement opportunities, often for increased pay. One of the department’s goals is to retain officers for at least three years, but it is ready to adjust whenever officers decide to go.

“We prepare for it and we get through it,” Solorzano said.

Solorzano said that he doesn’t plan to change the direction of the University Police too much, but his years of experience on campus have allowed him to see areas where improvements can be made.

If chosen by the hiring committee, Solorzano said he plans to create an emphasis for those working for University Police to take advantage of the opportunity to continue their education.

Solorzano also talked about working with student media by establishing communication with the Daily 49er through crime alerts and weekly meetings with a staff reporter, using a string of Macbook thefts as an example.

Solorzano responded to questions about how he would deal with undocumented students, saying that he is aware of a program allowing them to take classes at CSULB, and that everyone is treated equally.

“We don’t play favorites,” Solorzano said.

Solorzano ended the forum by asking those in attendance about their own personal experiences with University Police.

Open forums for the other two candidates will be held this week at The Barrett Athletic Center.

A forum introducing Captain John Adams of the UCLA, Los Angeles Police Department was held Wednesday from 9:45-10:45 a.m. and another introducing Delano Chief of Police Mark Derosia will be held Thursday from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Former University Chief of Police Stan Skipworth retired at the end of the spring semester after holding the job since 2008, and is the current Mayor of Corona. The next University Chief of Police will oversee 27 sworn officers and staff.

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