
Semester in review

Union Weekly Pow Wow article sparks debate

A Union Weekly review of Cal State Long Beach’s Annual Pow Wow event, written by News Editor Noah Kelly, offended American Indian groups nationally and sparked a campus-wide debate over free speech, the merits of the ASI-funded publication and the position of Editor-in-Chief Kevin O’Brien.

The American Indian Student Council and JAGed, Justice and Gender Education, petitioned to defund the Union Weekly and oust O’Brien. The petition gathered enough signatures for the Student Media Board to consider the removal of O’Brien. On May 6, the board decided not to remove the Union editor.


Student Excellence Fee implemented

The campus community was surprised when President F. King Alexander announced the addition of a new student fee. The Student Excellence Fee, which will begin charging students $94 per semester in fall 2011 and $35 starting this summer session, will send about a third of its revenue to athletics.


Former CSULB president Steve Horn dies

The death of Steve Horn, a former CSULB president and U.S. Congressman, saddened the campus community. Horn died in his Long Beach home at the age of 79 due to complications of Alzheimer’s disease on Feb. 17. The university had a service for Horn on campus in late April.


Cheer scandal results in removal of coach

The Long Beach State Cheer Team forfeited a national title and removed its coach, Eric Anderson, after video of the team revealed that Craig Wilder, a CSULB graduate, competed with the team.

The scandal gathered attention from local media ranging from ABC to the Long Beach Press-Telegram.


Osama bin Laden dies

United States Navy SEALs stormed a compound in the Paskistani city of Abbottabad on May 2 fatally shooting Osama bin Laden in the chest and the head. Hundreds of Americans celebrated that night — in the streets of New York City and outside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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