
Daily 49er News: 2-19-14

On today’s Daily 49er News, James interviewed Heather Mazzei, Program Coordinator at CSULB’s Lifefit Center, about her involvement with drug addiction support in the area.  Mazzei promoted Long Beach State’s new community outreach initiative, Beach Recovery.  The service connects those dealing with abuse issues with support groups, treatment centers and[Read More…]

Daily 49er News: 1-29-14

Listen in to Daily 49er News to hear the latest CSULB area news. Shane Newell, City Editor, looks through the smokey haze that is smoking on campus and why school officials haven’t acted to make the school smoke free. Opinions Editor Joann Row tackles the French presidential sex scandal, skateboarding[Read More…]

Daily 49er News: 1-23-14

  Daily 49er News is news by the students, for the students and for all of Kbeach’s listeners. It serves as your weekly wrap-up of campus events, sports and entertainment – in addition to local, national, and even international news. We’re also bringing in local musicians, artists, athletes… to tell[Read More…]

Daily 49er newsletter
