Arts & Life

Content that focuses on popular culture, local art and music, entertainment and the events. Common topics include lifestyle, television and film, theater, music, video game, food, etc

Couture, Ethos push students fashion forward

Project Ethos is the junction where fashion, art and music cross. Campus Couture is Cal State Long Beach’s display of local talent. At both events, the industry comes together with amateurs and experienced artists alike. The Avalon and Bardot venue in Hollywood crawled with retailers as Project Ethos began. The[Read More…]

Shiny Toy Guns rock Club Nokia

Shiny Toy Guns played at Club Nokia Saturday to an already amped crowd.  After decent-sized sets by three other bands including The Ringers and Nico Vega — as well as one song by an unnamed and very costumed solo artist — the audience could have been all danced-and cheered-out before[Read More…]

Bob Cole Conservatory of Music flips musical script

A sea of awards, accolades and acclaim surround the composition and theory faculty members whose musical programs will be heard tonight at the Faculty Composers Concert. Throughout the faculty artist series, the composer faculty performs monthly concerts of their work, and within the last few years the composer faculty has[Read More…]

Singers invade Pantages

The Broadway hit “Rent” was the defining musical for the ’90s. It arrived at the Ahmanson Theatre years ago. Now it is hitting the Pantages Theatre, but with far more pizzazz than ever. The Pantages Theatre production of “Rent” is a wonderful show about poor artists finding love in New[Read More…]

Lykke Li performs at Glass House

Swedish Indie singer, Lykke Li, set the Glass House in Pomona on fire last night in a sold out show, with music from her first album Youth Novels.            Li released her album mid-August and started her North American tour in January. Along with Li came the Swedish band, Wildbirds &[Read More…]

Photo club hosts Las Vegas vacation

Sunday’s opening reception at the student art galleries on upper campus showcased such an eclectic variety of art. Tucked away in nook and cranny of the art department, you wouldn’t even know that an event, let alone an art show was taking place.  The cozy space is comprised of five different[Read More…]

Bringing the noise

Pieces of tin, aluminum trash cans and old plastic buckets are what many would find in a junkyard, but for the cast of “Stomp” items like these serve as the tools for their music-making. The percussive hit “Stomp” opened on Jan. 6 at Segerstrom Hall in Costa Mesa to a packed auditorium[Read More…]

‘The Shape of Things’ leaves everyone naked, wanting more

Neil LaBute’s play “The Shape of Things,” is directed by Hugh O’Gorman and presented by the University Players of the CSULB Theatre Department, which wrapped up their three-week performance on December 6, 2008. This play was an emotional rollercoaster of intrigue, betrayal, manipulative seduction and love, questioning “how far would[Read More…]

The 88 debut with sunny power pop songs

I still wonder why The 88 hasn’t been signed by a major record label until now. It’s a great indie rock band, it has toured endlessly and has grown a big fan base on the Internet.             Finally, with an awesome album on Island records, The 88 might be the[Read More…]

Velocity picked up the pace

The dance faculty at Cal State Long Beach put on a show over the weekend that was not without a little craziness. Velocity, the dance program presented by the CSULB College of The Arts and the Department of Dance, featured work by guest artists Mike Esperanza and Regina Klenjoski, and[Read More…]

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