Warm weather, beaches, partial nudity and lots of excitement is what a lot of us thought our summers would be like this year.
However, things don’t always go as planned. You may find yourself living a summer that isn’t turning out to be what you thought it would. Identifying the problems may help you turn things around, though.
Here are signs that summer is sucking and changes need to be made.
1. You have large breasts, and you are a male
Summer crept up on you, and you totally forgot to get into shape. You have boobs now, and you swim with a shirt on, claiming you’re trying to protect yourself from a sunburn.
2. The only summer fling you’ve had so far is with yourself
The hot summer romance you waited for all year long never happened. You almost thought a person winked at you once, only to later learn that they had an eye problem.
3. Your vacation kind of sucked
You planned for a blue sky, a nice beach and lots of alcohol in a far away exotic city. Unfortunately, you remembered you’re a poor college student who can’t afford it. You settled for a day at the mall instead. You incorporated the alcohol into your mall experience, however.
4. You plan your day around daytime television
Breakfast before “The View,” lunch after “Jerry Springer” and dessert with “Maury.” You have realized that words like “baby daddy” have now become part of your everyday vocabulary. Also, the highlight of your day is when the DNA paternity test proves the man you thought was the father, is the father.
5. You’ve had time to spend with your family
The reasons why you need a therapist have once again presented themselves. Your hair is now falling out.
6. “50 Shades of Grey” has become your summer read
Watching porn isn’t socially acceptable, but reading porn is A-Okay. Plus, it makes up for the lack of the summer sizzle in the romance department.
7. Facebook makes you cry
Your friends are all posting pictures of themselves doing fun and cool things, and all you’ve posted are solo pictures of you in front of a mirror doing your best “America’s Next Top Model” pose.
8. You’re speeding while driving
You’re hoping that a cop pulls you over, so you finally have someone to talk to!
9. You’ve already purchased your books for fall semester
The countdown to Cal State Long Beach fall 2012 has begun, and you can’t wait to go back.
Now that you’ve identified the red flags of a bad summer, remember that it’s still July. It’s not too late to try and turn things around. You can still do summer like you’re on “The Jersey Shore,” baby!
Go for your dreams, or go home!