
Celebrating servicemen

Garbed in his original World War II uniform and helmet, 90-year-old veteran Refugio Gomez couldn’t walk five feet without being stopped for photos and handshakes at The Veteran’s Administration hospital welcome home celebration on Tuesday.

The VA hospital celebrated Veteran’s day with a festival to welcome veterans and their families and the Long Beach community.

VA hospital spokesman Richard Beam said the event was to remind the community to celebrate the pride and memory of those who served our country.

“It is the hospital’s intentions to make veterans as whole as possible, and that does not just include healthcare,” Beam said.

One of the only WWII veterans in attendance, Gomez came to honor and support his fellow comrades.

“I am happy to do my part, and I thank God I came back from the war alive,” Gomez said.

In 1942, Gomez was drafted and sent to central France. Initially placed in the kitchens, Gomez quickly moved up the ranks because of his dedication and positive morale. He traveled through France, Germany and Austria during his deployment.

“I came in knowing I couldn’t be negative,” Gomez said. “It was our job to free those people [in concentration camps during WWII] and bring freedom. One man can’t do anything.”

In three years, Gomez was sergeant of Company A 124, thirteenth army division. He said it was his division’s duty to build bridges, clear mines, help with supply trucks and help where they could.

During his free time, Gomez used to sit outside concentration camps in Germany and photograph prisoners to document them as human beings.

“There are people out there that deny the Holocaust exist,” Gomez said. “Well I’ve got photo albums full of pictures that say that is not true.”

Gomez recalled a time when he left to buy cigarettes for a prisoner, and when he returned, concentration camp soldiers had shot everyone in the camp.

“I knew I had to do everything I could to fight for these people’s freedom, and that kept me positive, knowing I was fighting for that cause,” Gomez said.

In order to continue serving his country after completing his service, Gomez volunteered at the VA hospital in the spinal cord injury wing everyday for 20 years. He said he logged over 6,000 hours visiting with patients, helping them get around the hospital and to x-ray appointments.

“Volunteering kept my mind clear, and it was a way for me to help serve my country back home.

At the welcome back celebration, Gomez danced with his best friend, Anita Terryberry from Downey.

“He loves to dance, eat and wake up early,” Terryberry said. “He bikes to my house one mile away every single morning, can you believe that?”

Gomez said he enjoyed meeting various vets in the local community at the welcome home celebration. He said this event helps him unite with fellow veterans.

Beam said the VA hospital wants veterans to feel that there is a place for them in the community and that celebrations such as the welcome home celebration is a small piece in reminding veterans of their value.

“We can’t fix everything, but hopefully some of the vendors and different activities here will make vets feel more whole and well-roundedly taken care of,” Beam said.


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