
CSULB alumna directs web series

In an era where sexual innuendo and violence are the norm, a Long Beach alumna has taken it upon herself to create “Off and Running,” an all-ages web series that fuses classic and modern comedy.
Cheyann Reagan, a Cal State Long Beach graduate who studied film and media, always dreamed of writing for her long time favorite comedy and variety show, “Saturday Night Live.”
Although she was interested in comedy, she had previously worked on more serious content such as a film on the Iranian Revolution.
“I remember when it was complete, my friends where like, ‘Why aren’t you excited?’ and I kind of laughed because it really took a lot out of me to write this,” Reagan said. “It really affected me mentally and it was amazing because a historical biography is awesome to put out there but it wasn’t really completing me.”
After the film was released, her friends suggested that she try writing comedy scripts for television.
As a devoted fan of comedy since her early adolescent years, Reagan wondered why she had never pursued it. Soon after, she began working on the early stages of a television series, which later became “Off and Running,” a web series involving a group of actors Reagan had worked with in previous films.
The web series focuses on Leia, who is trying to find her dream job with the help of her close friends, Mars and Christian. Although she is not a trained actor, Reagan plays the role of Mars herself.
Throughout their journey, the trio ventures to unconventional places like a Star Wars church where Leia’s mother is the high priestess.
“I created a family friendly show that anyone can watch, from your little sister to your grandma,” Reagan said. “We can all be in the same room and laugh at a show that channels the old type of comedies like ‘I Love Lucy’ and even the modern stuff like ‘Arrested Development.’ I wanted to bring back the real human comedy.”
After volunteering at MTV, working with a nutrition campaign, and directing three short films, Reagan has made various friends within the entertainment industry who are interested in participating in her project.
“Everyone’s working for free, putting in their own time and now it’s evolved into a community type of show,” Reagan said.
Reagan was able to put together a fundraiser screening at the Whittier Village Cinemas, where she was a former employee. She deemed the fundraiser a success, raising $1,500 and attracting more than 100 attendees.
After paying the theatre for the space, the troupe was left with $800 for production, which was enough to finish the season.
“This is my last playful year where I can do projects just for fun,” Reagan said. “My husband expects me to start working in the business once my daughter starts going to school. This was my Hail Mary, and I figured, let’s just do it.”
The troupe shot their final episode of the season Sunday. Future fundraisers for “Off and Running” may occur. For further information, visit the “Off and Running” Facebook page. 

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