
Heavy bass drones and rattles the Pyramid at Step Show

A crowd of approximately 5,000 flocked to the Walter Pyramid for the 21st annual Long Beach State Step Show Saturday afternoon. However, the performance was full of heavy base rhythms and amateur dance routines, making it less than pleasing.

This colossal event is the most popular and longest running step-show on the West Coast. Local teams competed against national teams hailing from states such as New York, Maryland and Virginia. They all came to Long Beach with hopes of being dubbed western step-show champions.

There was no need to get there early unless you wanted a major headache. The pre-show performance was a DJ of rookie quality who mashed up lackluster hip-hop tracks as he droned out the music with obnoxiously overpowering bass. The bass literally rattled the entire pyramid and tickled your booty if you were seated on the bleachers.

The DJ’s random shoutouts quickly grew old as he encouraged people to get a heart attack at the Monster energy drink booth. It was obvious he was given a premeditated agenda of encouraging people to participate in the corporate festivities at the Sprint PCS booth.

The event collaborated with the black Greek community and approximately eight Greek chapters participate. The chapter aims to provide unity, leadership and mentor students in the black Greek community.

This event was basically a very non-multicultural and less talented version of the MTV show “America’s Best Dance Crew.”

It was promoted as something you might enjoy taking the entire family to. The website said, “Through unity and commitment, the fraternities and sororities that comprise California State University, Long Beach National Pan-Hellenic Council work diligently to make this event entertaining for the whole family.”

As it may have been entertaining for some, it was certainly not an appropriate family affair. There was a hodgepodge of girls dressed in floozie outfits shaking their booties uncontrollably as if their life depended on it. The competition did not start until quite some time after expected at 2 p.m.

The event seemed to be over-staffed with university personnel. University police resembled the California Transit Authority workers as they aimlessly stood there and congregated amongst themselves and socialized. It appeared as if every single officer working was there just to pick up the few extra hours.

It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon, and to be cooped up in the Walter Pyramid watching and listening to dance performances and music composed of amateurs could not have been the best way to pass the weekend.  

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