The future of the proposed Beach Legacy Fee will be discussed at the Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) meeting Friday morning.
At the meeting, the SFAC will begin molding their recommendation on what should become of the Beach Legacy Fee — a proposed $95-per-semester fee to fund the Athletics Department, which failed to garner student support in an online referendum held last month.
Once the SFAC develops an official recommendation, it will be passed on to President F. King Alexander.
“There are no parameters” dictating what sort of recommendation the committee can make, according to Doug Robinson, the vice president of student services and SFAC committee chair.
Approximately 60 percent of the students voting in the recent online referendum voted against the fee.
A total of about 6,500 student — or 18 percent of the student population — voted in the referendum. This level of involvement is unprecedented at CSULB.
“6,500 students have never voted on any one initiative on this campus — ever,” Robinson said.
ASI treasurer and SFAC member Brian Troutner said he feels the SFAC should be discussing what could be done in terms of regulation for future referendums that are executed online.
“While there were only frivolous complaints in this recent referendum, the SFAC needs to do what it can to assure a fair election so real issues do not manifest in future referendums,” Troutner wrote in an e-mail.
Other SFAC members did not respond to requests for comment on what issues needed to be discussed at Friday’s meeting, or said they thought it would be improper to comment before the meeting.
Other Cal State Universities — such as Sacramento and Fullerton — are currently considering similar fee changes.
In May 2008, the president of Cal State Fresno imposed a fee increase even though referendum results showed that the majority of students opposed the increase, according to the Fresno State News.
The fee increase voted on in the referendum at CSUF would have increased fees by $70, which would have gone toward IRA and Athletics Department funding.
After students voted in opposition to the $70 fee increase, the CSUF Campus Fee Advisory Committee recommended that the university’s president instead implement a $52 increase for the same purpose, which the president did.
The main difference between the proposed Beach Legacy Fee and the CSUF fee increase is that the Beach Legacy Fee would create a new fee, and would not be considered an increase to an existing fee.
This difference is important given that a CSU-wide policy — Executive Order 1034, which went into effect in June — requires approval from the CSU Chancellor in order to instate a new mandatory, campus-wide fee. The Chancellor’s approval is not necessary for the adjustment of a fee, which was the case for CSUF.
alright you idiots saying this is racist and what not need to stfu. Get a life, you all were probably the last ones picked for the soccer team. I’m a latino athlete, and regardless of how you vote yes or no, it isn’t a race thing, there are plenty of blacks/ whites/ latinos/ asians playing sports, and this is the one sector of society where people don’t base race a the factor.
That’s a good point latination only white people play sports, and only white people like soccer
you racist whities will never get it! if you support this elitist fee increase you are just part of the problem. any minority who supports it is just a sellout whos also part of the problem and should be ashamed of themselfs. i have no respect for any elitist bigot who supports this fee increase and its veiled racism. students of color get hit in the pocketbook, while whitey athletes benefit the most from this. king will face HEAVY protests if he goes against the vote.
To enough: You summed up your ignorance and bigotry in two words—“you people” To you, everybody (CSULB is nearly 40 percent people with brown skin “you people”) who isn’t white is the “other”, or as you describe us “you people” Wake up and smell the carne asada fool. This is about more white sports for more white athletes because fewer people of color will be able to go to The Beach!!!
“enough” you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Since when did a soccer stadium become the premier priority of a university to the point that it was critical for ALL students, past, present and future. We don’t have a men’s team and never will because of Title IX. But you think it’s cool to charge tens of thousands of future families to build a Colosseum for women’s soccer? This is especially troubling when we face overcrowded classrooms, instructors are being cut or having their class time cut, fewer course offerings that extend our time to graduation, tuition increases, textbook prices climbing — all of which impact first-generation, low-income minority students extremely hard–to the point that many won’t be able to attend college: and you don’t see a connection to white privilege versus institutional racism? My highly educated guess is that you are white and middle class; immune to the consequences of your immature and uninformed rants.
bWhat is wrong with you people? Why does racism always pop up when you don’t like something or it’s something you don’t agree with. Since when does the tail wag the dog orbetter yet why are the inmates running the asylum. Last time I checked the only person in charge was FKA and not a bunch of students who are barely getting out of the house or are still living with mommy and daddy. Please, the students will only be here for what ,4 – 5 years and all they are concerned with is themselves while they are here and could care less about the future. If you don’t believe me chack and see how many alumni belong to the alumni association and how contribute back to the school. FKA has to do what is best for all the students now and later. There is a saying, you have to pay to play. If this school and the costs are not to your liking then go somewhere else. There are 50,000 freshman applicants waiting to take your spot from all walks of life and races. Going to Long Beach State is not a right but a privelege so get over it. This is real life and nothing in life is fair, so get off this idealistic notion and get with the program. Oh yeah, I am also a minority and I am sick and tired of the race card. So deal with life and quit your crying because seriously, nobody really cares!
If this does happen, I will be ashamed of this school.
stop bitching
the students have spoken but too bad the racist bigots in this administration will go against the vote just so some white students can enjoy their white sports.
fresno state is not csu fresno or csuf. csuf is cal state fullerton. it’s like san diego state….it doesn’t go by csu san diego. neither does fresno. but theyre all in the csu system. but some are kinda interchangeable, like long beach.
In re BLF article: I have a few suggestions: If President King is advised to impose any or all of this fee by the advisory committee (with a sitting administrator as the chair) and carries it to Chancellor Reed, every student who voted against it shows up at the next CSU Board of Trustees meeting and protest that their will and concern means nothing. Have those students sign a petition and contact an attorney to be advised about the potential for filing a class action lawsuit (the litmus test for class action doesn’t require every befouled victim to file, only some substance for judicial review to move it legitimately forward, especially as minimally a potential Fourteenth Amendment civil and/or human rights violations, including the due process clause, et al) for abuse of authority and a number of other things that probably can be easily argued to the lower bench with prudent and justifiable validation (Education Codes relating to low-income and minority students at a public institution of higher education are substantially considered). These are merely the basics for popping open this can of worms. I’m certain there are going to many other Foundation and Alumni donors contributing to these arguments as conscientious advocates with educated advice. Let’s turn this into “Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into, Stanley” cause for the underdogs, fellow diploma holders. I will certainly buzz the network. WE OWE A DEBT AS REAL 49ers!!!!
What an excellent display about how manipulative and deceitful the administrators steering this referendum are. Did an elected student official demean the entire population with a comment “frivolous complaints”? Drunken and boisterous student athletes pounding on dorm student dorms is frivolous? Coercive, makeshift voting practices are “frivolous complaints”? Not telling student that this was only a survey instead of an actual binding vote was a “frivolous complaint”? The students spoke only to face the inevitability that an unwanted fee will be imposed by our campus president. The responsibility of the SFAC was to divulge all pertinent information, but they put tape across their nostrils to avoid smelling their own stench. They tried to push this referendum completely. Not mentioning that a number of low-income students and a minority of non-funded, undocumented students would lose their dreams of a university education if it passed is a “frivolous complaint”? How dare you Troutner and Dr. Robinson. Your actions on this committee were deliberately, shamelessly and unforgivably without good conscience and lacked the ethics this institution so proudly promotes. This entire process was a sham and should be investigated at the state level as an abuse of student funding at taxpayer’s expense. There must be a “deep throat” willing to tell the Daily 49er what went on behind closed doors. I’ve followed this thoroughly and couldn’t help but notice–as I’m sure other must have–how secretive this referendum was. The only surprise was that so many students displayed critical thinking abilities and responsibility to notice. It’s too bad the student voice means absolutely nothing at CSULB in the long run. Since none of you people involved in promoting this farce can feel shame, I hang my head in shame at being an Alumni donor. This will come up in that sphere too. Practice the ETHICS you preach.