If you’re an average CSULB student, chances are I’m older than you. A couple of weeks ago, I turned 25; the big two-five — a quarter of a century. Five years away from thirty.
And much like MTV’s Video Music Awards’ 25th anniversary, I tried to hold on to my youth by appealing to the kids and wondering what they were listening to these days.
This came in the form of my friends dragging me to an 18 and over club a few days before my birthday to try my awesome drunken dance moves.
As soon as I stepped into the crowded club how young these kids looked mesmerized me. They were like attendees of some junior high school dance, but without the chaperones.
And it’s not like I look ancient. My friend says that our age group is turning out to be generation “blah.”
A quick look at close friends who are over the age of 25 will prove my theory that in fact, we been fed anti-wrinkle cream via milk and energy drinks.
I remember when I was 18 and would look at 25 year olds and think to myself, “Wow. They look really old.”
But it doesn’t seem to be the case nowadays.
It’s like we’re not aging as rapidly as the past generations.
The kids were not impressed by my awesome dance moves. Maybe they thought I was, in fact, too old. Maybe past generations of 25 year olds thought the same thing I did.
While sipping my vodka gimlet and watching the kids with the bright colored t-shirts and tight jeans and knew I didn’t belong.
Then Next’s “Too close” started playing and some kid yelled, “boo, that song is soooo old.” I dragged one of my friends to the dance floor and did my thang.
The kids probably thought I was some old loser trying to revive the crip walk. Who knows, maybe one day they will look back at their Miley-Rihanna-Chris Brown days and wonder, “What the hell was I thinking?”
Or whatever.