Several new intramural sports opportunities will be available this semester for Cal State Long Beach students.
The Intramurals Sports and Wellness Department, formerly known as Recreational Sports, will debut new competitive sports leagues as well as a series of fitness classes.
The new fitness classes that will be offered are cardio kickboxing, nightwalking, and tennis.
According to Intramurals Coordinator Maureen MacRae, the nightwalking class is intended to give students a chance to use the track at night instead of walking around the city in the dark. There are no lights on the track, but light towers will be brought out for the class.
“We have students using the track even in the dark,” MacRae said. “It will be much safer and give the students the opportunity to socialize while working out.” Nightwalking is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
The cardio kickboxing class debuted in November 2006 and is continuing this semester. Kickboxing is a high-energy workout made up of punching and kicking combinations set to music. The class is offered twice a week and students have the option of attending both classes or just one. MacRae said there were at least 22 students and 15 members of the faculty and staff who attended the class regularly last semester. The classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
MacKenzie Scheridan, a senior recreation and leisure studies major, said the instructor is a major contributor to the class’ appeal.
“The instructor is really energetic,” Scheridan said. “She is really fun.”
The department intends to begin new sports leagues, including kickball, women’s volleyball and women’s soccer. MacRae said the separate women’s leagues have been started to give female students who want to play intramurals – but don’t want to play on coed teams – a chance to play.
Intramural Sports and Wellness also offers tournaments that change every semester. This semester’s tournaments will include three-on-three basketball, badminton and dodgeball.
According to MacRae, a badminton league may be starting, but there is not enough gym space available at this time.
Other changes in Intramural Sports and Wellness include summer leagues and classes. In the past, intramural sports had only been offered in the spring and fall semesters, but starting in the summer of 2007, students will have the opportunity to participate in a night softball league, a sand volleyball league, tennis and cardio kickboxing.
Along with the new additions, Intramurals Sports and Wellness also offers soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, kickball, basketball and flag football. According to Glenn McDonald, the intramurals director, around 1,300 people participate in intramurals.