
This Week in Cartoons – Disney, Hannah Montana square book deal

It’s no doubt that we live in a capitalist society. Money is the ultimate mover and shaker, is it not?

Without money, we can’t pay rent, buy clothes or get a good education.

Disney is the ultimate example of successful capitalism. I mean, where else will you find a place where things are overpriced yet still find people buying in bulk.

Disney knows business and will take advantage of an opportunity when it can.

Take for instance Miley Cyrus, the tween sensation who has little girls across the country begging their mothers to buy $1,000 tickets for her concerts.

After watching the success of the “Hannah Montana” star, Disney Book Group recently announced that Disney-Hyperion Books plans to publish the 15-year-old’s memoir.

Nothing against the Disney disciple (this is the second time I have written about her in this little space), but what could she possibly have to say in a book that hasn’t already been said by other young starlets who venture into the literary world?

I tell you, Disney is genius.

But this isn’t Disney’s fault (although it has much responsibility in the matter).

Disney is only following the money trail that consumers are leaving behind and Cyrus’ fans are leaving a hefty one.

What could Cyrus have in common with a Mexican-American girl from South Central L.A. who’s attending a poorly funded school? Can kids from developing countries who are starving really relate to her?

In the business world, these things are just zeros to the left.

And it’s not like Disney hasn’t reached out. Like many capitalist corporations, they’ve created charities that have aided many kids around the world.

That way, they can try to cover up the crap they’re generating (e.g. a Miley Cyrus memoir, for God’s sake!) and showing that they still care about the kids.

Or whatever.

-Julio Salgado

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