As Cal State Long Beach’s spring break approaches at a crawl, I’m envious of all the other college students who are already celebrating on white-sand beaches and dozing in a margarita-induced slumber.
Spring break is the time you sleep in until noon, and register voters in Philadelphia. Wait, what?
Yes, that is correct. Apparently, concerned college students cannot pry themselves away from the primary election season. Instead they are volunteering for Obama and Clinton’s campaign.
And at this point, Obama and Clinton need all the help they can get. For students participating in their first or second elections, the shadow of doubt and skepticism has not fully taken over their impressionable minds, making them a perfect group to exploit.
Personally, I blame the media.
They have made the election into an idiocracy. Now poor, overworked students are taking time out of their well-deserved breaks to campaign for two politicians, or even less fun – register voters.
Sure, sitting outside a grocery store in 90-degree heat sounds great, but let’s not forget just what exactly these students will be missing out on.
For example – stupid drunk tattoos. What about all the Chinese symbol tattoos, like the ones you thought said “peace” but really translate to “Coca-Cola?” These are usually the result of an alcohol-induced decision or a hilarious tattoo artist. Either way, very “spring break.”
Spring break does not exist without bad decisions and bad decisions normally don’t exist without alcohol.
Instead, Obama’s “springterns” and Clinton’s student followers are selflessly abandoning the opportunity to make bad decisions. And for what?
Can you imagine the kind of sober flirting that will take place at a makeshift registration table?
And if the thought of students seducing each other with their political stumping is hard to swallow, imagine what will happen to the global economy.
Many tourist destinations are counting on students to flood their streets, trash their beaches and be “that guy.” Instead some students have opted to do volunteer work in these areas. Sure it’s nice to help developing countries build greater infrastructure, but what better way to contribute to those economies than by supporting authentic local businesses like Papas and Beer or Club Med?
There is even talk that spring break has become an overrated holiday, seeping in debauchery and commercialization. It is true that airfare and hotel prices spike to cash in on college students’ weaknesses. But until Hallmark comes out with a “Forgive me for what I did on spring break” card, I’m not really buying this argument.
Whatever happened to the days when spring break was solely for the purpose of the moment, and planning for the future was an afterthought? Whatever happened to some good old-fashioned disregard?
Look at it this way; the next president will last for four years, eight tops. But bad decisions last a lifetime. Trust me, you might as well do what you want now because there is no such thing as a mid-life spring breaker.
<i>Erin McKenzie is a junior journalism major and an assistant opinion editor at the</i> Daily Forty-Niner.