
Letter to the editor – Free speech extends to all

As an alumna of this institution, I try to check in from time to time to keep track of campus events and happenings. I was aware of Jim Gilchrist’s scheduled appearance on campus and I listened to radio news coverage of the protest by various student factions.

I am a very liberally slanted Hispanic who thinks that what Gilchrist represents is the absolute worst our society can offer up.

I would like to point out that one of the rights we have as citizens of this country is the right of expression. No matter how vile, our Constitution guarantees this. An institution of higher learning should not shy away from allowing its students to hear all angles of a controversy.

Students are there to learn the good and the bad. I will never share any of Gilchrist’s views, but I defend his right to state them. I can also understand the feelings of the Conservative Student Union that invited him.

Certainly, they would feel outnumbered on campus, but opposing views must always be respected. You may feel free to reject them, but they must be respected. The young people who attend classes on this campus are being trained to be persons who can judge issues with enlightened minds.

If we, as their mentors, elders or teachers can’t trust them to do the right thing, we failed in our jobs.

– Teresa McGraw, West Covina

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