There has been an array of events during this past year that have shaped our college lives in different ways. The Virginia Tech massacre was definitely one of the biggest events that affected every single college student across the nation and throughout the world. The overwhelming feeling that this could happen at any campus impacted every single student, whether we wanted to admit it or not.
We also had our share of alarming events here on campus that made us think twice about how safe students are on school grounds. From several sexual assault reports to a case of meningitis at Los Cerritos Hall, this campus experienced an ongoing range of events that once or twice put us on the 6 o’clock news.
In the political realm, Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton managed to overshadow the other possible presidential candidates, while creating great buzz around the thought of the possible first African-American or woman, respectively, to become the leader of this nation.
And while thousands of illegal immigrants marched throughout the country, Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist tried to fend off copy cat organizations that made his own look bad.
And who can forget this year’s men’s basketball big triumph at the Big West Conference, when players pushed themselves to try their best at the NCAA Tournament, but came back home after a loss to Tennessee? This isn’t a goodbye, loyal readers (and by loyal readers, I mean mom and my good friend Vivi). I hope everyone has a great summer and congrats to the 2007 grads. I, too, shall walk out of here some day.
– Julio Salgado