
Letter to the Editor – Not missing: quality jobs at Cal State Long Beach Job Fair

I’m writing this in response to an April 23 Our View titled “Missing: a few good jobs at the Job Fair.” It might serve you well when looking at jobs to look a little closer. You list Bovis Lend Lease construction jobs as less than attractive, neglecting the fact that BLL is part of a global group of companies operating in 42 countries with $10 billion pa revenue and $14 billion AUM in a diverse range of business lines, offering easy opportunities for internal transfers.

Most of our senior executive teams began doing construction jobs in BLL and worked their way into various international roles. Most of the CEOs of our group companies began doing construction jobs in BLL, and several now earn in excess of $2 million pa.

Lend Lease itself has been an employer of choice award winner for many years. I began in a junior role in BLL only a few years ago and have since been given amazing opportunities for advancement, including frequent international travel and the chance to work on world best practice innovations in areas as diverse as collaboration software development, second generation knowledge management, sustainability and corporate responsibility.

It would serve your peers well to consider even getting a foot in the door with such an organization of tremendous opportunity.

– Marcus Gibson, Lend Lease employee

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