
Information for graduation fair continues in USU

Graduating seniors check out one of many booths that have items for sale relating to graduation.

Cal State Long Beach’s motto “Graduation Begins Today” couldn’t be more true as students lined up and waited for the doors to open at the Graduation Information Fair Tuesday.

The Graduation Information Fair is a three-day long event, taking place in the University Student Union. It ends Thursday at 7 p.m.

“The Commencement Office won’t send commencement guidelines until the end of the month. This is the students’ first opportunity to get information about commencement,” said Sylvia Ferracioli, an administrative service coordinator for the event.

The fair will have many different booths to answer questions students may have. Herf-Jones, a company that sells caps and gowns, will have people circulating and will be measuring students’ heads for cap sizes. Graduation packages and other commemorative artifacts can be also purchased at the fair.

The Career Development Center will also have a booth to aid students in post-graduation matters.

“If a student hasn’t figured out what to do with their degree, we come in to help them,” said Peggy Hayden, a program coordinator at the Career Development Center. “We connect them with employers to help them have a job before they graduate.”

Peggy also mentioned BeachLINK, an official CSULB Web site that provides job and internship postings.

Alaine Weiss, a career counselor at the Career Development Center, said that the Center could also help when it comes to choosing a graduate school.

“I’m very excited about [graduation]. I definitely can’t wait to get out,” said Leah Bollier, 24, a fashion merchandising major.

“It’s for my parents and grandparents, and closure for me,” said Adam Poole just before getting his head measured for his cap. Poole, 23, finished his degree in art last semester, and will walk this semester.

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