
Candidate Addresses

The Daily Forty-Niner invited senators from all colleges to write a brief address to students telling them why they are running and what they would change if elected. Here’s what a few of them had to say:

Al-Karim Shivji

My name is Al-Karim and I am tired of the way the campus is treating us. I sit in a temporary office called the La Raza Resource Center. All of the resource centers need more. The campus is not doing enough for all of the cultural groups, not enough for the Women’s Resource Center and not enough for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Student Resource Center. ASI has a budget of $8 million, yet what do they do for you? I want to bring more money for diversity, unity and community building. I also want to bring a “no sweatshop” section to the campus bookstore.

Our school needs to be held responsible for inaction. As co-chair of the Chicano & Latino Studies Student Association, I work hard to serve my community by building bridges within and outside the community.

ASI has money out there. Is it going to you? No, it probably isn’t. That is why I run today, to make ASI give more back to you.

Al-Karim Shivji is a senior communications and Chicano & Latino studies major and is running for senator of the College of the Liberal Arts.

Raul Preciado

When I look at Cal State Long Beach, I see a lot of unmet potential. We’re a very large university, but a lot of people don’t know we exist. We have a lot of clubs and activities yet a large portion of the student body is not involved.

I want to become a senator for the College of Liberal Arts so that I may better serve my fellow students. I want to help students become involved on campus and I want to help clubs get involved off campus as well. If elected I will be in constant communication with the clubs in the College of Liberal Arts so that I may meet their needs whenever possible. I will encourage and provide support to the clubs, especially in the areas of recruitment and community involvement. I ask you to elect me, Raul Preciado, as your senator for the College of Liberal Arts. I vow to make a difference and respect, support and represent the views of my constituents in all of my duties.

Raul Preciado is a freshman political science major and is running for senator of the College of Liberal Arts.

Trevon Williams

Greetings, Cal State Long Beach! My name is Trevon Williams and I am running for senator of the College of Liberal Arts. I am the former Associate Justice in ASI Judiciary. Since my freshman year, I have served on ASI Judiciary for five semesters. Compared to my opponents for this position, the experience of working with the legislative and the executive branches of our campus government has made me accustomed to the everyday duties for this position. All of my ASI experience will allow my transition from the judicial branch to the legislative branch smooth and manageable. I know what the College of Liberal Arts needs. It needs a leader. It needs someone who already has experience in ASI. It needs someone who knows the rules and procedures of ASI. It needs someone who puts students first. It needs me, and I am ready! Go Beach!

Trevon Williams is a junior political science and black studies major and is running for senator of the College of Liberal Arts.

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