
Ted on the Street – St. Patty’s Day partiers shouldn’t test their luck

Every year the nation prepares for the only holiday where wearing the wrong color can get you beat up: St. Patrick’s Day. The day has become the unofficial national drinking holiday for many people both over and under the legal drinking age of 21.

This week’s Ted on the Street will try to slosh through the myths and falsities of underage drinking to reveal why for some youths on campus, green beer and ale are what it’s all about.

The Skinny

The obvious dangers awaiting those who choose to go out and party on March 17 are there for anyone to see, including drunk drivers, hyped-up crowds and those people who like to spike drinks with illegal substances. University Police Cpt. Stan Skipworth gave some general information on the dangers of underage drinking and what the police will be doing this holiday weekend.

“We [the campus police] do a lot of work with the Student Health Center and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs program (ATOD) to try and get the information out there,” Skipworth said of student drinking in general. “If you’re going to drink and you’re of age, make sure you have a designated driver, keep track of your beverages and make sure your drinks are not left unattended.”

Skipworth went on to say that the campus police will have extended hours this weekend, as well as more officers on duty.

The Street

Students across campus shared their thoughts on the good, the bad and the ugly of this popular drinking pastime. Two employees at The Nugget (the only place on campus that serves alcohol) shared their opinion on dorm life and drinking.

“We don’t have to worry about it so much here, but in the dorms it’s pretty common to go to a party and get drunk,” 20-year-old sophomore and liberal studies major Ashley St. Lawrence said. “Getting drunk in the dorms is easier than getting a good grade.”

Apparently, it’s all too easy. “In the dorms you’re more likely to find some beer than some milk,” added 18-year-old freshman psychology major Will Exline.

Ted Concludes

A glass of green ale, a bar and a drunken sing-along may seem like a wonderful way to spend a Saturday night in college, but unless you are able to flash some form of government-issued identification and are required to do so by the person serving you, perhaps you should consider staying at home.

The verdict? Underage drinking: If you’re 18 years old, then you’re legally an adult and should make your own decisions. But if you’re going to drink, be smart about it and stay off the streets.

Dorm drinking: That’s a no-brainer. Don’t do it. Getting caught can result in suspension, expulsion or getting kicked out of the dorms.

Drinking on St. Patty’s Day: Be careful. There are more drunken people running around wishing they were Irish on this day than in the whole country of Ireland.

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