
Long Beach ready to savor a Taste of Chaos

New Jersey's Senses Fail is excited to support The Used and 30 Seconds to Mars on this year's Taste of Chaos tour.

The third annual Rockstar Taste of Chaos tour will come roaring into the Long Beach Arena this Thursday, bringing some of the hottest acts in today’s music with it. The Used, 30 Seconds to Mars, Senses Fail, Saosin, Chiodos, Aiden and Evaline are featured on this year’s tour, giving it one of the most powerful lineups in its short history.

The Vans Warped Tour mastermind, Kevin Lyman, puts the tour together. The show is popular for several of the same reasons as Warped, including cheap ticket prices and some of the biggest names in rock.

Last time we checked in with New Jersey rock band Senses Fail, it was getting ready to release its third studio album, “Still Searching.” The album debuted at No. 15 on the Billboard charts, and has sold more than 300,000 copies. The band was part of the inaugural Taste of Chaos and is excited to be supporting The Used and 30 Seconds to Mars on this year’s “winter Warped.”

“To some respects, it is like the winter Warped Tour,” said bassist Mike Glita. “There are a lot of the same people working and running the tour, which makes it reminiscent of Warped Tour, but here are a lot less bands and it’s indoors.”

This year’s lineup is actually very close to the first year of Taste Of Chaos, which starred The Used, My Chemical Romance, Senses Fail and Saosin. But this year switches out make-up-wearing platinum rock band My Chemical Romance for make-up-wearing platinum rock band 30 Seconds to Mars.

This year will mark the first time the tour incorporates a rotating stage. As soon as one band finishes playing, the stage revolves 180 degrees and the next band starts playing. It sounds intense, but Glita promises to give fans a few minutes to rest.

“[The rotating stage] is not a bad idea,” Glita said, “It’s just something new to get a hold of at first. It’s good for cutting down time between waiting for bands to play, but at least there is some time (five to 10 minutes) for kids to take a breather between bands.”

Besides a lethal dose of almost non-stop rock ‘n’ roll, the tour features games, autograph sessions and a dozen sponsor tents to check out. But don’t let these distract you from the openers.

Seattle-based rockers Aiden will fill the arena with “horror rock.” Chiodos will show off some Michigan metal. Saosin will follow with optimistic post-hardcore melodies and Senses Fail is going to “Bring it to Long Beach,” Glita promised.

30 Seconds to Mars’ second studio album, “A Beautiful Lie,” was just certified platinum. Singles “The Kill” and “From Yesterday” play endlessly on KROQ and the fact that movie star Jared Leto (“Fight Club,” “Lord of War”) is the lead singer draws a large crowd.

The Used is one of the most successful rock bands of our generation. It has sold more than three million records worldwide. “A Box of Sharp Objects” and “All That I’ve Got” are sure to be staples in the band’s headlining set. Front man Bert McCracken is the leader of a dying breed of vocalists who both sing and scream for their bands.

Each date will also feature a set from the Ernie Ball “Battle of the Bands” contest winner. The Long Beach date’s winner is Newport Beach’s Victory Within.

Floor seating for the show is already sold out, but balcony seats start at a mere $15.25 a piece. For a show this loud, balcony seats might be a blessing.

“It’s a great show from what I’ve seen so far,” Glita said. “There are a bunch of good bands to watch.” Don’t miss it.

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